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Full-time jobs
Financial blogger assistant/editor - with polish language
Contemt creator with polish language
Location: 70% in Timisoara (Romania), up to 30% Katowice/online work.
The opportunity
This full-time job gives you opportunity to assist CEO in growing a fin-tech start-up company in financial media industry in Romania.
As a financial blogger assistant, you:
- translate and edit online articles on finance and economy
- write unique articles on personal finance and comment Polish economy
- maintain relationships with media houses, banks, and other partners in Poland
- manage a website for Romanian and Polish users
- outsource tasks to 3rd party partners
Managerial tasks:
- develop and manage new web projects
- take full responsibility of HR and recruitment for the company
- take full responsibility of office administration
The job is an entry stage career of Country Manager of Rechin Financiar s.r.l. in Middle-East Europe for candidates who will gain necessary skills and prove their managerial talent.
To qualify for the role you must have:
- A university degree or be at the last year of University with a specialization in finance/economics
- Min 0,5 year of experience with financial audit, banking or other large company in financial/IT/online marketing industry
Previous experience in BIG4 companies is a plus
Key skills for the role:
- Native Polish language skills
- Excellent English language skills
- Excellent writing skills
- Good knowledge of economics
- Self-motivation, determination and confidence
- Ability to manage your time and think fast
- Attention to detail
- Good problem-solving and critical thinking skills
- Ability to provide measurable results
- Good communication skills
- Flexibility and courage
- IT code (CMS/HTML) not scary you
Knowledge of Romanian Language, CMS, HTML are BIG pluses.
What we look for
We are looking for a person prepared to begin working directly with a CEO for at least 3 years. If you are looking for a career in financial media industry for the successful start-up company, with high focus on leadership, development and innovation, this vacancy is for you.
What working at Rechin Financiar offers…
- A truly unique managerial career path in financial media industry. You will experience how to grow a start-up company.
- You will work mainly in Timisoara, with up to 30% distant online working/Poland.
- Start-up salary is negotiable, highly depends on skills and experience. Estimated minimum start-up net salary ca 2500 PLN negotiable.
- Full-time contract is offered in Romania (3-month probationary period first)
- Relocation package incl. at least 1-month free comfortable accomodation and transport to Romania.
- There is no time cap for future promotion or salary rise if the candidate get necessary skills and proves to be successful.
- The assistant will be equipped with the necessary tools incl. laptop.
- Taking long summer or winter holidays is not a problem at Rechin Financiar. Flexibility is what stands out working at Rechin Financiar.
- Friendly atmosphere and healthy working habits are what we pay much attention to.
- Cosy office in Romania.
Company details
Rechin Financiar is a a start-up company in Romania but has been one of the market leaders in its niche market in Poland. Rekin Finansów, set up in 2016, is one of the most renowned financial webblogs in Poland with over 1 200 000 unique readers a year. The owner and CEO Szymon Ziemba has a successful career path with online start-ups and career in BIG4, banks and manufacturing corporations.
How to apply?
E-mail your CV in English: apply@rekinfinansow.pl with the title: “Financial blogger assistant PL”
Company details:
- Rechin Financiar S.R.L, Str. 1 Decembrie, Nr. 94, Ap.1, 300566 Timisoara, Romania
- Trade Registry Number: J35/4393/2018
- Secondary office located in Zona Moderna, Timisoara.
Financial blogger/content creator - romanian native speaker
Location: 70% in Timisoara (Romania), up to 30% Katowice/online work.
Financial blogger/content creator
The opportunity
This full-time job gives you opportunity to assist CEO in growing a fin-tech start-up company in financial media industry in Romania.
As a financial blogger/content creator you:
- translate and edit online articles on finance and economy
- write unique articles on personal finance and comment Romanian economy
- maintain relationships with media houses, banks, and other partners in Romania and Poland
- manage a website for Romanian users
- outsource tasks to 3rd party partners
- assist in video blogging
Managerial tasks you may be delegated to:
- take full responsibility of HR and recruitment for the company
- take full responsibility of office administration
The job may be an entry stage career of Country Manager of Rechin Financiar s.r.l. in Middle-East Europe for candidates who will gain necessary skills and prove their managerial talent.
To qualify for the role you must have:
- A university degree or be at the last year of University with a specialization in finance/economics
- Min 0,5 year of experience with financial audit, banking or other large company in financial/IT/online marketing industry
Previous experience in BIG4 companies is a plus
Key skills for the role:
- Native Romanian language skills
- Excellent English language skills
- Excellent writing skills
- Good knowledge of economics
- Self-motivation, determination and confidence
- Ability to manage your time and think fast
- Attention to detail
- Good problem-solving and critical thinking skills
- Ability to work to provide measurable results
- Good communication skills
- IT code (CMS/HTML) not scary you
- Photoshop and Adobe Premiere knowledge will be a plus
Knowledge of Polish Language, CMS, HTML are pluses
What we look for
We are looking for a person prepared to begin working directly with a CEO for at least 3 years. If you are looking for a career in financial media industry for the successful start-up company, with high focus on leadership, development and innovation, this vacancy is for you.
What working at Rechin Financiar offers…
- This can be a truly unique managerial career path in financial media industry for you, if you prove your managerial and technical skills. You will experience how to build a start-up company from an early stage.
- You will work mainly in Timisoara, with up to 20% distant online working and 5% working abroad incl. office in Poland.
- Start-up salary is up to 2500 RON net/monthly for the best candidates, full-time contract.
- There is no time cap for future promotion or salary rise if the candidate get necessary skills and proves to be successful.
- You will be equipped with the necessary tools incl. laptop.
- Taking long summer or winter holidays is not a problem at Rechin Financiar. Flexibility is what stands out working at Rechin Financiar. Friendly atmosphere and healthy working habits are what we pay much attention to.
- Relocation package is available.
- Cosy office with a terrace located in Zona Moderna in Timisoara.
Company details
Rechin Financiar is a start-up project in Romania with a goal of 300 000 unique readers till the end of 2019. Polish counterpart Rekin Finansów, set up in 2016, is one of the most renowned financial webblogs in Poland with over 1 200 000 unique readers/clients a year. The owner and CEO Szymon Ziemba has a successful career path with online start-ups and career in BIG4, banks and manufacturing corporations.
How to apply?
E-mail your CV in English: apply@rekinfinansow.pl with the title: “Financial blogger/content creator RO”
Company details:
- Rechin Financiar S.R.L, Str. 1 Decembrie, Nr. 94, Ap.1, 300566 Timisoara, Romania
- Trade Registry Number: J35/4393/2018
- Primary office located in Zona Moderna, Timisoara.
Full stack developer - wordpress//Python/Android
Co będziesz robił?
- Programował wspaniałe i innowacyjne projekty internetowe
- min. 3-letnie doświadczenie w programowaniu PHP, JS, JQuery, WordPress, CSS
- doświadczenie w programowaniu w Python oraz na Android’a
- motywacja i chęć tworzenia czegoś wielkiego razem ze mną
- do ustalenia, preferowane lump sum za projekt/kamienie milowe, możliwa hybryda: podstawa+lump sum.
- duże bonusy pieniężne za osiągnięcia kamieni milowych (ustalonych już na wstępie współpracy)
Pozostałe zalety pracy z Rekinem
- Mega elastyczny czas pracy (pracujesz ile chcesz i kiedy chcesz)
- Możliwość tworzenie nowych rozwiązań zupełnie samodzielnie/w małym zepsole, a nie jako trybik w wielkiej machinie
- Możliwość pracy w Rumunii, Polsce i zdalnie
- Przyjemna i spokojna atmosfera pracy
Jak aplikować?
E-mail your CV in English: apply@rekinfinansow.pl with the title: “Full-stack developer”
Company details:
- Rechin Financiar S.R.L, Str. 1 Decembrie, Nr. 94, Ap.1, 300566 Timisoara, Romania
- Trade Registry Number: J35/4393/2018
- Secondary office located in Zona Moderna, Timisoara.
Part-time jobs
Redaktor - analityk produktów finansowych
Redaktor – analityk produktów finansowych
Co będzie robił?
- Pisanie analiz produktów finansowych na bloga
- Tworzenie porównań produktów finansowych
- Aktualizacje artykułów
- biegła znajomość edytorów tekstowych i html
- umiejętności analityczne
- ukierunkowanie na potrzeby czytelników
- staranność
- samodyscyplina
Czas pracy
Praca dorywcza lub stała – praca zdalna w 99%. Sam określasz ile czasu pracujesz – liczy się tylko efekt.
Wynagrodzenie i typ umowy
Praca na zasadzie umowy o dzieło lub własna działalność. Dla pracy dorywczej stawki ustalane indywidualnie.